How to Beat Jet Lag

Step 1: Identify your desired wakeup time in Bali.

Example: Let’s wake up at 7AM.

Step 2: Subtract 15 hours from your desired wakeup time.

Example: 7AM Bali time minus 15 hours is 4PM Bali time.

Step 3: Don’t eat for 15 hours.

On the day of your flight (or the day prior to your flight), refrain from eating from 4PM Bali time to 7PM Bali time. Water is ok. Let your flight attendants know that you’ll be taking your meals at different times than the other passengers.

Step 4: Break your fast at 7AM Bali time.

Step 5: Eat your next two meals as if you’re in Bali. Eat lunch at 12PM Bali time, and dinner at 7PM Bali time. DO NOT SLEEP during this time.

Step 6: While you’re flying, fall asleep at your desired sleeping time in Bali and stay asleep until your desired wakeup time. If you’ve followed the instructions exactly until this point, you will experience little to no jet lag upon arrival. You’re all set to enjoy Bali as if you’ve been here all along!

Example 1: Flying From Tampa

Tampa Time

Depart: July 7th 2:15PM

Dinner & Snacks Okay

Stop Eating: July 8th 4:00 PM

***No food for 15 hours***

Breakfast: July 8th 7:00 PM

Lunch: July 8th 12:00 AM

Arrive in Bali: July 8th 4:55 AM

Bali Time Conversion

Depart: July 8th 2:15 AM

Dinner & Snacks Okay

Stop Eating: July 8th: 4:00 PM

***No food for 15 hours***

Breakfast: July 9th 7:00 AM

Lunch: July 9th 12:00 PM

Arrive in Bali: July 9th 4:55 PM

Example 2: Flying from California

California Time

Depart: July 6th 9:20 PM

Breakfast & Snacks Okay

Stop Eating: July 7th: 1:00 AM

***No food for 15 hours***

Breakfast: July 7th 4:00 PM

Arrive in Bali: July 7th 6:50 PM

Bali Time Conversion

Depart: July 7th 12:20 AM

Breakfast & Snacks Okay

Stop Eating: July 7th: 4:00 PM

***No food for 15 hours***

Breakfast: July 8th 7:00 AM

Arrive in Bali: July 8th 9:50 AM